Tag Archive
Sexy Carrots

Gus grew his own carrots this year. And some peas. In our family garden we’ve got tomatoes coming out of our ears. We even share with our backyard hens, sometimes. Those sweet hens give us delicious eggs to eat in our lunches, so a fresh tomato every now and again isn’t hard to part with. […]
Circle Sandwiches, Tiny Pear and more Fall Delights

As fall creeps in it always seems harder to fill lunches with fresh fruit, but it is actually just a transition. The plethora of fresh fruit in the summertime is what makes summertime so special. The fall fruits are just as much of a treat though. I mean look at this tiny pear and the […]
Colorful Cold Lunch

A little breakfast and a look ahead to lunch. This time during our morning is some of my favorite time during the entire day. That is a colorful lunch! The applesauce is homemade, the carrots are homegrown the rest comes from close to home. The fruit salad is all organic berries/grapes from the Good Food […]
Orange Slices, Lemon Wafer Cookies and More

Orange slices and strawberries, tortilla chips and hummus, lemon wafer cookies, organic applesauce and a black bean burrito with chreese, guacamole and black olives. Short and sweet for today. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Star Wars PB&J, Sweet Clementine and More

Actually we’ve got a double clementine today, with some craisins crammed between, black beans above and some refreshing applesauce, diced apples, goldfish crackers and a flying Star Wars Peanut Butter and Jelly ooh and don’t forget about dessert and vitamins – and the force will be with you. And some more clementines to make […]
Star PB&Js, Raisins, Black Beans and More

Look at those cute little star sandwiches – PB&J style. Two juicy clementines, a handful of Sunmaid Raisins, Rainbow Goldfish, a small pile of Black Beans, a dollop of Applesauce, and some diced apples to fill a little belly with a big appetite today. Oh and don’t forget about that vitamin pile and the strawberry […]
Baby Burrito, Nectarine Bites and More

Nectarines, apples, pears and homemade applesauce today – we’re making sure everyone has plenty of fiber and carbs today. Not to mention the black beans in that baby burrito (not made at home – this is an El Diablo baby burrito) it also has some rice and guacamole in it – Gussy’s all time favorite […]
Quorn Roast, El Diablo Baby Burrrito and More

You can always tell an El Diablo baby burrito from a homemade burrito (at least in my lunch box), this one is full of black beans, rice, guacamole, and cheddar cheese. We’ve also got some Quorn Roast pieces, some cooked carrots (from our garden of course), some delicious plums, a hard-boiled homegrown hen egg, some […]
Bean Burrito, Diced Apples and More

Bean burrito with rice, black beans and veggie cheese. Sides include: Cheesy potatoes, diced organic apples, and a dollop of organic strawberry applesauce. To drink we’ll have some water with Lemon Essential Oil. Yummy! If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look […]