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Sushi & a Ham Wrap

Sushi rolls might be one of the most pleasing things to put in lunches. They are real eye candy. My biggest kiddo loves sushi so every now and again we’ll get a roll and save it until the next day for lunch. This happens to be a veggie version with tofu, carrots, avocado and a […]
Hard-Boiled Wonderland

If you use Instagram I’ve been posting my lunches on there often lately, and you might want to follow walkingstickmama – if you are into that kind of thing – which you probably are since you are here right now. I’ve posted several lunches under #madeyourlunch and would be really excited if you shared yours […]
Green Belly Acher School Lunch

Sounds appetizing, right? Well belly achers aren’t adequately named. I ate about 40 of them last night – no aches. As for the rest, apparently I had green on the brain this morning. Soy yogurt, green apple, green chocolate drops, green belly achers (aka cucumbers soaked in vinegar, water, salt and pepper), green grapes and […]
Rice Ball Faces

Two boys off to school today = two lunches on our counter first thing in the morning. Getting back in the swing of things has been quite a bit easier this year than years past. Soy yogurt, peanut butter and jelly bites, rice ball with nori face, carrots, lemon-covered almonds, fig cookies, strawberry star cookie, […]
Almost Time….

for back to school. Lunches will soon be in full force around these parts. We will still have all kinds of delicious summer harvests to stuff in the cold lunch for a couple of months after school starts. The main reason I love back to school is because I get to pack lunches again. I […]
Ham & Pickle Rolls and more

Aw yeah nothin’ like some rolled ham in your lunch – with a little dill pickle and Tofutti cream cheese in the middle, yum! And of course one kid likes pickles and the other doesn’t care for them so much, so we have a variation on the school lunch for today. Kiwi, buttery pretzel squares, […]
Valentine Cold School Lunches

Special Valentine Treat – 3 lunches today – over the course of the day. Here is the first Lovely Lunch. Who doesn’t love meatballs? Seriously? A peanut butter and jelly (homemade plum jelly) on wheat bread – with a heart of course. The tiny clementine pre-peeled, onion and poppy seed snack sticks, mandarin oranges, […]
Pan Fried Potatoes, Kiwi and More

If there is one food that Papa Shane (Ukulele Guy) has mastered it is Pan-Fried Potatoes. He doesn’t mess around when it comes to these delights. He’s very particular about his potatoes so you can rest assured you’ll be getting the best of the best if he is preparing them for you. All packed up […]
Smoked Turkey Thigh, Snow Peas and More

The afternoon following the consumption of this lunch I hear…”Mom, I don’t really like winter peas.” I get it – they aren’t as fresh – they aren’t as delicious as straight from the garden – and…they aren’t winter peas…they are snow peas…but I’ll probably call them winter peas from here on out. The rest of […]
Breakfast for Lunch

Sometimes we like to eat some pancakes for breakfast and stick them in our cold lunch to eat a second time. When I make a batch of pancakes I make a mass of them and that seems to be the most effective way for us to have hot breakfast at least a few times during […]