Friday, June 10th, 2011 
Mac and Cheese Banana and More We’ve got a medley for you today. I’ve decided the medley will be lacking description so the pictures will have to do the justice. Sweet little August on one of our winter morns during lunch prep. Looks like some dino sammy action in the house. Chocolate and Carrots – […]
Tags: apples, applesauce, banana, blueberries, carrots, chocolate, chocolate heart, circle bread, dino sandwich, Fig Cookies, Gus, Hard-Boiled hen egg, Ketchup, peanut butter and jelly, potatoes, pretzels, rainbow goldfish, risotto, Simon, Soy Yogurt, turkey, vitamins
Posted in Lunch Ideas | Comments Off on Last Day of School!
Thursday, June 9th, 2011 
Out of bread again – so sandwich on a hot dog bun it is. The sandwich is filled with some Applegate Roast Turkey, locally grown greens, and some cheese or chreese. The rest of the lunch: Diced organic apples, sliced organic pears, vitamin pile, delicious pasta, a hard-boiled hen egg from our backyard chickens, soy […]
Tags: Applegate Roast Turkey, apples, bread, broccoli, cheese, chreese, Hard-Boiled hen egg, hot dog bun, lettuce, local greens, Organic Apples, organic pears, pasta, Soy Yogurt, vitamin pile
Posted in Lunch Ideas | Comments Off on Turkey and Lettuce Sandwich, Pears/Apples and More
Wednesday, June 8th, 2011 
This salad is delicious! I mixed up some leftover noodles we had in the pantry (a salad with different noodles is more fun anyway), then threw in some olives, mixed beans, carrot bits, green onions, and mixed up a dressing (honey, lime, olive oil, and dijon) and voila a delicious summery pasta salad. The rest […]
Tags: beans, black olives, cooked carrots, dressing, green onions, hard boiled egg, honey, lime, noodles, olive oil, Olives, Organic Apple, pineapple, rice milk, salad, Soy Yogurt, strawberries, vitamin, vitamin pile
Posted in Lunch Ideas | Comments Off on Pasta and Bean Salad, Pineapple and More
Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 
A dollop of organic applesauce, an orange slice, a bunch of organic strawberries, some rainbow goldfish, diced organic apple pieces, vitamins, a 1/2 organic banana, two Pocky sticks, a brownie and the delightful hot dog scramble will fill up two little bellies today. That seems like a LOT of food, but I guarantee upon the […]
Tags: apple, applesauce, banana, brownie, Hot Dog, hot dog scramble, orange slice, Pocky, rainbow goldfish, scrambled eggs, strawberries
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Friday, June 3rd, 2011 
With bbq season kickin’ it into high gear we’ve got a whole lot of buns laying around our house after the weekend is over. So – we try and use them up in lunches – today we’ve got a bun filled up with some turkey, cheese and butter lettuce (I like to sneak that lettuce […]
Tags: apple, bun, butter lettuce, cheese, Hard-Boiled hen egg, lemon, lemon pasta salad, Lemon Soy Yogurt, lemon wafer cookies, lettuce, turkey, vitamins
Posted in Lunch Ideas | Comments Off on Turkey and Cheese Bun, Lemon Noodles and More Lemon Goodness
Thursday, June 2nd, 2011 
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm – that is double the deliciousness. It looks so scrumptious to me. So we’ve got a diced up organic apple, a handful of blueberries, a dollop of soy yogurt, some organic strawberries and our vitamins to cover our bases – oops I almost forgot about the dinos – they are whole wheat […]
Tags: apples, blueberries, dino sammy, dino sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly, Soy Yogurt, strawberries, whole wheat, yogurt
Posted in Lunch Ideas | Comments Off on Dinosaur Sandwiches, Strawberries and More
Wednesday, June 1st, 2011 
Now that is a serious Ham and Cheese Sandwich – only because Mama ran out of bread. Nuts. The rest: diced up juicy orange, fig cookie, goldfish crackers (of the rainbow variety of course), dollop of lemon soy yogurt, diced organic apple and the vitamins to keep us strong and healthy. Here is that ham […]
Tags: apple, bun, fig cookie, goldfish crackers, ham and cheese, Lemon Soy Yogurt, orange, Sandwich, vitamins, yogurt
Posted in Lunch Ideas | Comments Off on Oranges, Apples, and Ham and Cheese