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Summer Camp Lunches

Just getting you up to speed. I failed miserably at posting lunches daily, until the day school starts, man summer is busy. Some of our summertime favorites can be spotted above. Oh man that fruit salad! Mmmm. What on earth should I make in the morning. Minecraft Lunch for my 1st and 4th graders? Yipes! […]
Back to School

Wee. I love me some rainbow lunch! This rainbow is made up of a fresh backyard hen egg, avocado and ham sandwich on Wheat Montana Bread, with a side of diced organic apple, soy yogurt, tiny tomatoes, peas, a clementine, & of course, some chocolate drops. We’ve been slacking this summer. I haven’t posted here […]
Rainbow Lunch Day

Today was Gus’s rainbow day celebration. Colors were discussed the first two weeks of Kindergarten and this was the day he got to wear rainbow colors – of course I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to make him a rainbow lunch. I am pretty in love with the memory of what he chose to wear […]
Starwich, Fruit Leather & more

We’ve got ourselves a starwich today – instead of a sandwich of course. The starwich is on Wheat Montana bread with Tofurky and Rice Cheese. Orange slices, corn (off the cob), jolly beans, soy yogurt, plums, fruit leather and diced apples make up the rest of the feast. This is the non-starwich version. Looks just […]
Tomato Mouth

This might be at the top of my faves. I love this little olive-eyed, grass head, tomato eatin’ PB&J. The rest looks awfully pleasing as well. I suppose this little person (head) came about as I was removing crust. One boy doesn’t mind the crust…and the other does. Here is the crust lover’s version of […]
Oh Santa

Meatloaf, rice, edamame, kiwi, soy yogurt, diced apples and a delightful milk chocolate Santa and we’re done! Peaches, peanut butter and jelly and Santa! Happy Holiday Lunching! If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Rice Ball Faces

Two boys off to school today = two lunches on our counter first thing in the morning. Getting back in the swing of things has been quite a bit easier this year than years past. Soy yogurt, peanut butter and jelly bites, rice ball with nori face, carrots, lemon-covered almonds, fig cookies, strawberry star cookie, […]
Skeleton Lunch

This I probably should’ve waited to post until about a month or two from now. Raisins, olives, fig cookies, bread and peanut butter and jelly can make this happen! And you could make it happen for the first day of school! As for the rest, strawberries, grapes, soy yogurt, homemade applesauce, chocolate drops, crunchy sticks […]
Kiwi, Burrito and Chocolate Drops

Chocolate drops, clementine, hard-boiled hen egg, diced apples, soy yogurt, kiwi, Goldfish crackers, blueberries, and only 6 days and counting until my babies are back in school. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Tilapia, Cherry Tomatoes and More

Tilapia, Cherry Tomatoes, Elephant butt sandwich, pretzel waffles, diced pink lady apples, soy yogurt, black olives and the second kiddo…. Much of the same but less cherry tomato, crunchy sticks are delicious! School is just around the corner. Yipes! If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then […]