Tuesday, May 29th, 2012 
This elephant butt sandwich is missing a tail…whoops. The bread machine makes the most perfect elephant butt bread…and if you are a 7 or 8 year old boy you find things like this very hilarious. The rest: Sushi (veggie) roll with tofu, carrot, and avocado, diced green organic apple, soy yogurt, soy sauce for dipping, […]
Tags: apple, avocado, bread, carrot, elephant butt, peanut butter and jelly, soy sauce, Soy Yogurt, sushi roll, tofu, veggie sushi, waffle pretzels
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Monday, May 28th, 2012 
Bagel Sandwich with Ham, Tofutti Cream Cheese, and Lettuce Organic Kiwi surrounded by fresh blueberries Hard-Boiled Backyard Hen Egg (squished in my egg squisher – to look like a bunny) Strawberry Soy Yogurt Vitamin Pile Diced Organic Apple Mmmm. Mmmmm. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, […]
Tags: apples, bagel sandwich, blueberries, diced apple, ham, hard-boiled backyard hen egg, kiwi, lettuce, Soy Yogurt, turkey
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Friday, May 25th, 2012 
Pesto Pasta is a seasonal favorite but we froze quite a bit of pesto last summer to use throughout the year and we’re still rockin’ it. Ham sandwich with tomatoes, lettuce, and mayo on Wheat Montana Bread, Edamame, soy yogurt, homemade pesto pasta (well I didn’t make the pasta, just the pesto), and diced organic […]
Tags: cold lunch, diced organic apples, ham sandwich, homemade pesto pasta, lettuce, Made Your Lunch, mayo, Soy Yogurt, Tomatoes, wheat montana bread
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Thursday, May 24th, 2012 
Dino PB&J, sliced organic pear, strawberry soy yogurt, fig cookies, a rainbow of kiwi, carrots and crunchy poppy seed sticks, and to wash it all down an array of chocolate drops complete today’s lovely colorful lunch. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take […]
Tags: carrots, chocolate drops, crunchy poppy seed sticks, dino PB&J, Fig Cookies, kiwi, organic pear, strawberry soy yogurt
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Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012 
Some like the crust, others don’t care for it so much in our household. I suppose I should rephrase that – one likes no crust the rest are fine with it. The morsels: Applegate Roasted Turkey on Wheat Montana Bread with a bit of lettuce and mayo, diced apples, clementine, kiwi, homemade applesauce, and vitamins. […]
Tags: Applegate Roasted Turkey, clementine, diced apples, homemade applesauce, kiwi, lettuce, mayo, turkey sandwich, vitamins, wheat montana bread
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Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 
Hamburgers are scrumptious. Simon loves them and enjoyed one today with ketchup and a bit of lettuce. Sides: Waffle Fries (one of my personal faves), a clementine, homemade applesauce, diced organic apples and a tiny star strawberry cookie and mango yogurt covered almonds. Fill that sweet belly. If you’d like to know more about the […]
Tags: clementine, diced organic apple, hamburger, homemade applesauce, lettuce, mango yogurt covered almonds, strawberry star cookie, waffle fries
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