Lunch Ideas
Monday, December 22nd, 2014
The tomato-nosed bagel deer. Seriously…nuff said. I love that guy and his chocolate chip eyes and pretzel antlers. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
My New Favorite!
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014
This is our second LOVE lunch of the week. I neglected to mention that school was canceled on Monday because the building’s heater broke. So, only two love lunches so far. I’ll try and keep them coming. Today the boys will eat peanut butter and homemade plum jelly with a little extra love on Wheat […]
A week of Love
Tuesday, February 11th, 2014
I try to fill lunchboxes with extra love around this time of the year. Obviously, that is all I fill them with, obviously. But everyone loves a chocolate heart, a gummi heart, or a little extra red or pink in their lunch right now, amiright? Especially a 6 and 9 year old boy. I […]
The Magic
Thursday, January 30th, 2014
The magic is really all for these two humans. Aren’t they handsome? I always love it when I wake up in the morning and plans come together, in the lunchbox. This morning was one of those mornings. The photo above was just a sampling of what my little people are made up of. The photos […]
Mamalode Publication
Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
I keep meaning to share this here. I have a friend, and she started an amazing publication (both in print and online) and I had a tiny story to share. I shared my story, and you can too. It is Mamalode, it is for you, it is for parents, it is for grandparents, it is […]
My Word
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
I’m terrible at updates. But, I’m keeping my word. If you follow on Instagram you’re seeing a lot more than most folks. I love that easy app. I sometimes remember to post to our Facebook page as well, but that isn’t a guarantee. The lack of posting to this sweet blog isn’t because I’ve stopped […]
Sexy Carrots
Thursday, September 5th, 2013
Gus grew his own carrots this year. And some peas. In our family garden we’ve got tomatoes coming out of our ears. We even share with our backyard hens, sometimes. Those sweet hens give us delicious eggs to eat in our lunches, so a fresh tomato every now and again isn’t hard to part with. […]
4th Grade and 1st Grade
Thursday, August 29th, 2013
4th grade sounds so old! I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Where did the time go? When did Simon get so big? He turns 9 in 5 days. I can’t carry him anymore, at least not without grunting. I’m not thrilled with my ‘first day lunch’ but I’ve granted myself a do-over. I mean, […]
Summer Camp Lunches
Tuesday, August 27th, 2013
Just getting you up to speed. I failed miserably at posting lunches daily, until the day school starts, man summer is busy. Some of our summertime favorites can be spotted above. Oh man that fruit salad! Mmmm. What on earth should I make in the morning. Minecraft Lunch for my 1st and 4th graders? Yipes! […]
Back to School
Thursday, August 22nd, 2013
Wee. I love me some rainbow lunch! This rainbow is made up of a fresh backyard hen egg, avocado and ham sandwich on Wheat Montana Bread, with a side of diced organic apple, soy yogurt, tiny tomatoes, peas, a clementine, & of course, some chocolate drops. We’ve been slacking this summer. I haven’t posted here […]