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4th Grade and 1st Grade

4th grade sounds so old! I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Where did the time go? When did Simon get so big? He turns 9 in 5 days. I can’t carry him anymore, at least not without grunting. I’m not thrilled with my ‘first day lunch’ but I’ve granted myself a do-over. I mean, […]
Happy Spring Lunch

Sunshine and snow came on the first day of spring, and… a delicious cold lunch. The springy goods: Apricot Soy Yogurt, peas, garbanzo beans, edamame, cheddar Pirate Booty, kiwi, tiny orange, daisy lemon cookie, & a scrambled egg sandwich (courtesy of our sweet back yard hens). Things that make me happy: tulips in bloom (on […]
Rainbow Lunch Day

Today was Gus’s rainbow day celebration. Colors were discussed the first two weeks of Kindergarten and this was the day he got to wear rainbow colors – of course I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to make him a rainbow lunch. I am pretty in love with the memory of what he chose to wear […]
Starwich, Fruit Leather & more

We’ve got ourselves a starwich today – instead of a sandwich of course. The starwich is on Wheat Montana bread with Tofurky and Rice Cheese. Orange slices, corn (off the cob), jolly beans, soy yogurt, plums, fruit leather and diced apples make up the rest of the feast. This is the non-starwich version. Looks just […]
Smoked Meat Lunch

Our Papa smokes the best meat. He loves to do it, and he’s really really good at it! Both boys LOVE it. We were lucky enough to have some leftover brisket to enjoy in our lunches today. The big kid likes bread… and lemon soy yogurt, organic strawberries, grapes and apples, potato salad and jolly […]
Ravioli Bird Lunch

We aren’t eating the bird for lunch, just to clarify. We got a new bird from Santa and he has an awful lot of spunk. This is my big kid (er a cobra) and our bird, that has too many names, his best friend. It is pretty rare that you see Simon without the bird. […]
Sushi & a Ham Wrap

Sushi rolls might be one of the most pleasing things to put in lunches. They are real eye candy. My biggest kiddo loves sushi so every now and again we’ll get a roll and save it until the next day for lunch. This happens to be a veggie version with tofu, carrots, avocado and a […]
Bagel Sammy, Banana, & More

Bagel sandwiches are right up at the tippy top of my list. This particular sandwich has a bit of turkey within. The rest of the sides – banana 1/2, homemade chocolate chip cookie (our favorite recipe – so not healthy), Goldfish crackers, kiwi, homemade applesauce, clementine, blueberries and a color circle of chocolate drops. version […]
Puzzle Piece Sandwich

I love me some rice and egg faces. Today we’ve got a tasty tray-full of puzzle sandwich (peanut butter and jelly style), pretzel squares, hard-boiled hen egg (bunny style), kiwi, rice face (I usually punch the faces out of Nori) – the hair isn’t edible, vitamins (to make you big and strong), diced organic apple, […]
Hard-Boiled Wonderland

If you use Instagram I’ve been posting my lunches on there often lately, and you might want to follow walkingstickmama – if you are into that kind of thing – which you probably are since you are here right now. I’ve posted several lunches under #madeyourlunch and would be really excited if you shared yours […]