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Back to School

Wee. I love me some rainbow lunch! This rainbow is made up of a fresh backyard hen egg, avocado and ham sandwich on Wheat Montana Bread, with a side of diced organic apple, soy yogurt, tiny tomatoes, peas, a clementine, & of course, some chocolate drops. We’ve been slacking this summer. I haven’t posted here […]
Sushi & a Ham Wrap

Sushi rolls might be one of the most pleasing things to put in lunches. They are real eye candy. My biggest kiddo loves sushi so every now and again we’ll get a roll and save it until the next day for lunch. This happens to be a veggie version with tofu, carrots, avocado and a […]
Ham Bun for Back to School

Ham Bun, fresh strawberries, chocolate rainbow drops, 1/2 brownie, soy yogurt, diced apples and the best filler ever – goldfish crackers and your belly ought to be full. Pretty soon mornings won’t be quite as bright. I love our bright summertime mornings. Back to school is just around the corner! Are you ready to start […]
Chocolate Drop Flowers and Hot Dog Bun Sandwiches

Look at that little mitt, it certainly isn’t lunch time yet. Sans the mitt – we have – strawberries, hot dog bun ham sandwich sans the lettuce (little doesn’t like greens but big does), chocolate drop flower, soy yogurt, sliced pear, fig cookies, crunchy sticks, goldfish, sunflower seeds (top) – it all looks simply marvelous. […]
Sunshine Lunch

Our hens contributed to this lunch – scrambled egg and ham sandwich (we don’t have a pig), yum! Fresh strawberries cut to bite size, a Newman O (vanilla variety), a bit of leftover meatloaf (to fill a gap), soy yogurt and a diced up granny smith complete the sunny cold lunch for today. If you’d […]
Kiwi, Berries, Egg Critter and More

Bagel Sandwich with Ham, Tofutti Cream Cheese, and Lettuce Organic Kiwi surrounded by fresh blueberries Hard-Boiled Backyard Hen Egg (squished in my egg squisher – to look like a bunny) Strawberry Soy Yogurt Vitamin Pile Diced Organic Apple Mmmm. Mmmmm. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, […]
Ham & Pickle Rolls and more

Aw yeah nothin’ like some rolled ham in your lunch – with a little dill pickle and Tofutti cream cheese in the middle, yum! And of course one kid likes pickles and the other doesn’t care for them so much, so we have a variation on the school lunch for today. Kiwi, buttery pretzel squares, […]
Sunshine Lunch – Ham/Turkey Sandwich with Tomatoes and More

It is probably my favorite when the sunshine is the lighting for the lunch photos in the morning. That is the one bummer about summer vacation. I don’t get to take great photos at 7AM of the lunches I prepare with all natural light streaming in our windows. So as spring approaches the light in […]
300 Lunches!

Today I celebrate the posting of my 300th lunch. I think I need to have a party of some sort. Dedication, I suppose I have the two cutest boys on earth to thank for that, and they need to eat. Nothing makes me feel better than filling their bellies up for mid-day meal with the […]
Halloween Lunch

I wanted today’s lunch to be extra spectacular but the boys really wanted a special breakfast so we made pumpkin shaped pancakes – which ended up sucking up some of my normal lunch making time (and creativity). So here we have it. The teeth idea was found by my Mother-in-Law and I thought they were […]