Tag Archive
4th Grade and 1st Grade

4th grade sounds so old! I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Where did the time go? When did Simon get so big? He turns 9 in 5 days. I can’t carry him anymore, at least not without grunting. I’m not thrilled with my ‘first day lunch’ but I’ve granted myself a do-over. I mean, […]
Chocolate Drop Flowers and Hot Dog Bun Sandwiches

Look at that little mitt, it certainly isn’t lunch time yet. Sans the mitt – we have – strawberries, hot dog bun ham sandwich sans the lettuce (little doesn’t like greens but big does), chocolate drop flower, soy yogurt, sliced pear, fig cookies, crunchy sticks, goldfish, sunflower seeds (top) – it all looks simply marvelous. […]
Last Day of Second Grade

I’ve been meaning to post this lunch for over a month now…and about a billion more…someday I’ll catch up. Most likely it will be when my kids are 25 and 27. I asked Simon what he wanted for his last cold lunch of second grade and he told me, “A note.” I used to get […]
Last Day of Preschool!

My wee-est boy is at his very last full day of preschool. Didn’t realize this would make me feel a little bit weepy this morning. Didn’t help that he looked THIS adorable this morning. I came downstairs to find him rockin’ out on his iPod, rockin’ some arm warmers, and leg warmers (one fire and […]
Elephant Butt Sandwich and More

Today we’ve got ourselves a real doozie of a lunch to share. We’d also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to what our bread machine bread looks like – luckily just the same as an elephant butt, if a tail is provided. We got some new treasures for Christmas and we’ve been testing […]
Couscous, Banana Bread and More

Couscous is wolfed down in our house – somehow we managed to have a bit leftover for lunches today. Fruit salad (strawberries, grapes (red and green), & nectarines), lemon soy yogurt, a bit of leftover sliced bratwurst, vitamins, goldfish crackers, & banana bread are the other munchables to fill the bellies today. Now that I’m […]
First Day of School! Fish Go Round & More

Pretty exciting day at our house – as I’m sure it is at most of yours… 2nd Grade and Preschool 2! I couldn’t top the Angry Birds lunch that we shared on our Facebook Page – so we just went for something colorful! Or 2 somethings colorful… There is barely a difference between the two, […]
Eggroll, Soy Yogurt and More

Two takes on the same deliciousness! Peanut Butter and Jelly (whether in squares or bite-sized bits) is a great standby that I know my kids will devour. Green Granny Smith Apples, a few strawberry bites, a vitamin pile, some strawberry soy yogurt, an eggroll, and some goldfish will satisfy the hungry little elves today. And […]
Soft Taco, Chocolate Eggs and More

It is spring break in our neck of the woods, hence the lack of lunch postings. We still have to eat though right? We’ve got a box full of taste sensations today. Chocolate Eggs! Why save the best for last? The real meal consists of a soft taco filled with lettuce, Montana grass fed ground […]
Spaghetti, Sliced Apples and More

Looks like the goldfish are swimming in a spaghetti pool…they aren’t…they probably wish they were though. The rest: Red grapes, green apple slices, strawberries and vitamins to fill the bellies today. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes. […]