Tag Archive
Sushi Rolls, Daisy Cookie and More

I will confess I didn’t roll this sushi myself, I do know how, but this wasn’t my work. Our local Good Food Store was the responsible party. They are filled with baked tofu, carrots and avocado and they are delicious. I would like to dip them in some soy sauce but that isn’t how my […]
Veggy Booty, PB&J Bites, and More

The old stand-by – when you aren’t sure what to make for lunch, dinner, breakfast, or snack – PB&J bites always do the trick~! My kids would gladly live on Peanut Butter and Jelly if I let them. The rest: Pirate Booty – the Veggy variety (only one of my kids cares for this flavor […]
Dino Sammy, Diced Apples and More

We’ve been eating a LOT of strawberries these days. It always gets us really excited when we can find them again at the Good Food Store. Soon we’ll have them right out our own front door. CAN’T WAIT! The dinos are making another appearance today…and it is always a welcome one because they are so […]
Lasagna, Diced Organic Apples and More

We’re back! A week off from lunches, we had company and time was hard to come by. I’m sure you were all missing our lunch ideas. heh. Today we’ve got some leftover lasagna a side of diced organic apples and some blueberry soy yogurt. Organic strawberries are in full force at our local Good Food […]