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Summer Camp Lunches

Just getting you up to speed. I failed miserably at posting lunches daily, until the day school starts, man summer is busy. Some of our summertime favorites can be spotted above. Oh man that fruit salad! Mmmm. What on earth should I make in the morning. Minecraft Lunch for my 1st and 4th graders? Yipes! […]
Back to School

Wee. I love me some rainbow lunch! This rainbow is made up of a fresh backyard hen egg, avocado and ham sandwich on Wheat Montana Bread, with a side of diced organic apple, soy yogurt, tiny tomatoes, peas, a clementine, & of course, some chocolate drops. We’ve been slacking this summer. I haven’t posted here […]
Sushi & a Ham Wrap

Sushi rolls might be one of the most pleasing things to put in lunches. They are real eye candy. My biggest kiddo loves sushi so every now and again we’ll get a roll and save it until the next day for lunch. This happens to be a veggie version with tofu, carrots, avocado and a […]
Sushi Rolls, Waffle Fries and More

This elephant butt sandwich is missing a tail…whoops. The bread machine makes the most perfect elephant butt bread…and if you are a 7 or 8 year old boy you find things like this very hilarious. The rest: Sushi (veggie) roll with tofu, carrot, and avocado, diced green organic apple, soy yogurt, soy sauce for dipping, […]
Sushi Rolls, Daisy Cookie and More

I will confess I didn’t roll this sushi myself, I do know how, but this wasn’t my work. Our local Good Food Store was the responsible party. They are filled with baked tofu, carrots and avocado and they are delicious. I would like to dip them in some soy sauce but that isn’t how my […]
Garbanzo Beans, Avocado/Turkey Roll and More

Um YUM! This wrap is filled with fresh avocado, turkey and ranch. The rest: popcorn, garbanzo beans, the vitamin pile, strawberry soy yogurt, hardboiled/homegrown hen egg, and some diced organic apple. What’s not to love? If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a […]
Avocado Turkey Roll, Strawberries and More

Look at that scrumptious looking wrap. The rest of the lunch train consists of some berries (of the straw and blue varieties), soy yogurt and veggie booty and of course our vitamins. Short and sweet today, but awfully colorful. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then […]
Rice Balls, Organic Grapes and More

Organic sushi rice balls with avocado inside, organic shoyu, red grapes, organic plum, hard boiled home grown hen egg, diced pears, rice milk and a whole lotta love. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.