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4th Grade and 1st Grade

4th grade sounds so old! I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Where did the time go? When did Simon get so big? He turns 9 in 5 days. I can’t carry him anymore, at least not without grunting. I’m not thrilled with my ‘first day lunch’ but I’ve granted myself a do-over. I mean, […]
Sunshine Lunch

Our hens contributed to this lunch – scrambled egg and ham sandwich (we don’t have a pig), yum! Fresh strawberries cut to bite size, a Newman O (vanilla variety), a bit of leftover meatloaf (to fill a gap), soy yogurt and a diced up granny smith complete the sunny cold lunch for today. If you’d […]
Hamburger, Pasta Salad and More

Hamburgers are Simon’s favorite! And the question is…why wouldn’t they be? They are delicious! And loaded is the way I love them. Simon likes them with lettuce, ketchup, mayo, and cheese if he can get it. The rest of the lunch – a clementine, some grapes, homemade pasta salad – it has cherry tomatoes from […]
Fun Lunch Friday

Don’t you know that on Friday you totally have to wear your tuxedo to school? This is breakfast time at our house but also lunch prep time – just wanted you to see how stinkin’ adorable my kids are. Here are their lunches… The melons that grow in Dixon, MT are something to write home […]
Veggy Booty, PB&J Bites, and More

The old stand-by – when you aren’t sure what to make for lunch, dinner, breakfast, or snack – PB&J bites always do the trick~! My kids would gladly live on Peanut Butter and Jelly if I let them. The rest: Pirate Booty – the Veggy variety (only one of my kids cares for this flavor […]
Eggroll, Soy Yogurt and More

Two takes on the same deliciousness! Peanut Butter and Jelly (whether in squares or bite-sized bits) is a great standby that I know my kids will devour. Green Granny Smith Apples, a few strawberry bites, a vitamin pile, some strawberry soy yogurt, an eggroll, and some goldfish will satisfy the hungry little elves today. And […]
Pasta Salad, Strawberry Pile and More

I’m such a slacker when it comes to posting these lunches. I have a whole lot of catching up to do. Again this is taken from the vault. I decided if I include at least one from the vault from time to time I will eventually get through all of the pictures. The problem is […]
Birthday Pie

This is what I had for lunch on a camping trip for Shane’s birthday 9/17/10. Or actually to be frank maybe it was for breakfast on 9/18/10. Shh, it is just fine to eat pie for breakfast. It was Strawberry Rhubarb Windmill Pie ordered from Farm to Family. I am longing for a camping trip! […]