Tag Archive
4th Grade and 1st Grade

4th grade sounds so old! I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Where did the time go? When did Simon get so big? He turns 9 in 5 days. I can’t carry him anymore, at least not without grunting. I’m not thrilled with my ‘first day lunch’ but I’ve granted myself a do-over. I mean, […]
Halloween Lunch

I had every intention of getting this posted yesterday. Next year I’ll be better about posting lunches on time, maybe. We’ve been making homemade bread for a few weeks now and we are really loving it, the entire process is pretty magical. It is always so mystifying to me that bread comes from the most […]
Spaghetti, Sliced Apples and More

Looks like the goldfish are swimming in a spaghetti pool…they aren’t…they probably wish they were though. The rest: Red grapes, green apple slices, strawberries and vitamins to fill the bellies today. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes. […]
Broccoli, Spaghetti and More

We’ve got some steamed broccoli, vegetarian spaghetti (not that we are vegetarians but we make a lot of vegetarian meals around here), clementine delight x2, a diced pear, a serving of organic applesauce, and to finish us off a strawberry star cookie and two vitamin d bits today. Ooh and those swimmers around the spaghetti […]
Spaghetti, Red Grapes and More

Today Gus will enjoy some spaghetti with homemade sauce – straight from our garden – well the garden didn’t make the sauce, just the tomatoes. The guy loves his strawberries too, and organic apple slices and who doesn’t love some organic red grapes? Colored goldfish are swimming all around that spaghetti, and some soy yogurt […]
Spaghetti, Applesauce and More

Spaghetti with marinara, organic applesauce, baby bean and rice burrito, and diced apples and strawberries. To drink today some delicious Odwalla Strawberry Citrus C. Mmm Mmm If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Chicken Spring Roll, Diced Apples and More

We’ve got another lunch that Simon enjoyed today. Chicken Spring Rolls, leftover Spaghetti with Quorn Meatballs, Diced Organic Apples, and Strawberry Soy Yogurt. Rice Dream Rice Milk to wash it down. Yum! If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox […]
Chicken Spring Rolls, Banana Bits and More

Even though it is Christmas Break – we’ve got some lunching to catch up on. So we’ve got some organic Chicken Spring Rolls with dipping sauce, Spaghetti and Quorn Meatballs, Organic Diced Apples, and cut up organic banana (they just need a bit of peeling they aren’t looking so pretty right now – but they […]
Spaghetti and Quorn Meatballs, Yogurt and More

This was actually from last week, sorry I was a single parent for the week so I didn’t do a whole lot of posting. Anyway – we’ve got some delicious Spaghetti with Quorn Meatballs, Peach Soy Yogurt, Diced Organic Apples and an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie that Grandma sent all the way from Tennessee. Yum! To […]