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Sushi Delights Made Your Lunch

We have a local health food store and they make rolls of sushi on a daily basis and somehow I’ve lucked out with a kid that loves sushi as much as I do. Each time we go to the store that is one of the things he chooses. I get it! Of course we still […]
Sushi Rolls, Waffle Fries and More

This elephant butt sandwich is missing a tail…whoops. The bread machine makes the most perfect elephant butt bread…and if you are a 7 or 8 year old boy you find things like this very hilarious. The rest: Sushi (veggie) roll with tofu, carrot, and avocado, diced green organic apple, soy yogurt, soy sauce for dipping, […]
Sushi Rolls, Daisy Cookie and More

I will confess I didn’t roll this sushi myself, I do know how, but this wasn’t my work. Our local Good Food Store was the responsible party. They are filled with baked tofu, carrots and avocado and they are delicious. I would like to dip them in some soy sauce but that isn’t how my […]