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Pasta and Bean Salad, Pineapple and More

This salad is delicious! I mixed up some leftover noodles we had in the pantry (a salad with different noodles is more fun anyway), then threw in some olives, mixed beans, carrot bits, green onions, and mixed up a dressing (honey, lime, olive oil, and dijon) and voila a delicious summery pasta salad. The rest […]
Bean and Ham Salad, Rice Ball and More

When you make a gigantic ham you have to get crafty. I concocted some bean, ham, celery, etc salad. Again, like usual, I didn’t write down the recipe, so I cannot share to the tee what it consists of. It was pretty darn delicious though. And since the kids liked it, they got it again […]
Green Salad, Squash Bread and More

So my kids like salad? What the? I had no idea, just really recently they’ve been requesting salad – Gus is the one that shocks me the most I think. So we’ve got some salad today (which makes my heart happy), a big ol’ bowl of applesauce, some cheddar cheese goldfish crackers, some squash bread […]