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Sexy Carrots

Gus grew his own carrots this year. And some peas. In our family garden we’ve got tomatoes coming out of our ears. We even share with our backyard hens, sometimes. Those sweet hens give us delicious eggs to eat in our lunches, so a fresh tomato every now and again isn’t hard to part with. […]
Back to School

Wee. I love me some rainbow lunch! This rainbow is made up of a fresh backyard hen egg, avocado and ham sandwich on Wheat Montana Bread, with a side of diced organic apple, soy yogurt, tiny tomatoes, peas, a clementine, & of course, some chocolate drops. We’ve been slacking this summer. I haven’t posted here […]
Happy Spring Lunch

Sunshine and snow came on the first day of spring, and… a delicious cold lunch. The springy goods: Apricot Soy Yogurt, peas, garbanzo beans, edamame, cheddar Pirate Booty, kiwi, tiny orange, daisy lemon cookie, & a scrambled egg sandwich (courtesy of our sweet back yard hens). Things that make me happy: tulips in bloom (on […]
Dino Necklaces and Rice Faces

I was pretty in love with this little lunch upon completion. PB& J Dinosaurs with necklaces? Rice with a face and hat? What next? Homemade chocolate chip cookies are never a bad thing either. Scrunch! Simon scored a pb&j puzzle piece sandwich instead of the dinosaurs in Gussy’s lunch. Plus: leftover Tilapia, yellow and red […]
Green Grapes, Diced Organic Apple, and More

Even though I don’t manage to type organic in front of every food I discuss, I try to buy only organic foods and/or locally grown/made foods. I think it is really important to know your farmer and eat organic foods whenever possible. So today we’re enjoying a lunch full of organic goodness. This locally made […]
Fresh Peas, Leftover Pizza and More

Well actually I don’t know if I’d call them fresh peas. The peas are from our backyard garden – blanched and frozen back in July, but delicious all the same. The pizza was homemade for dinner last night using Le Petit Dough for the crust, Quorn cutlets and organic tomato sauce and Lifeline Cheese (locally […]
Turkey Bun with Lettuce, Homegrown Peas and More

Locally made bun filled with Applegate Turkey, Tillamook Cheddar Cheese and some Lettuce. Fruit Salad (Kiwi, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, nectarines, and cantaloupe (Dixon Melon)), organic fig cookies, and peas straight from our backyard – planted by Simon himself – are our sides for today. Don’t forget to take your vitamins and some refreshing water to […]
Macaroni and Cheese with Peas and Hot Dogs and More

Annie’s Macaroni and Cheese with Peas and Hot Dogs, Organic Grapes and Blueberries, a Homegrown Hard-boiled Hen Egg, some leftover Cheese Pizza, and a dollop of organic applesauce. And again – the frosted chocolate star cookies. To drink we’ll have some refreshing organic orange juice. A real taste sensation. If you’d like to know more […]
Homemade Pizza, Peas and Corn and More

Nothin’ like leftover pizza – and it is homemade to boot. We have an awesome bakery in town called Le Petit Outre and they make dough and sell it at the Good Food Store so we get it from time to time and make ourselves a tasty pizza – this one has pepperoni, black olives […]