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Last Day of Preschool!

My wee-est boy is at his very last full day of preschool. Didn’t realize this would make me feel a little bit weepy this morning. Didn’t help that he looked THIS adorable this morning. I came downstairs to find him rockin’ out on his iPod, rockin’ some arm warmers, and leg warmers (one fire and […]
Summer Fruit Salad, Peanut Butter and Jelly Bites and More

Um Delicious! Too bad you can’t taste photos. Well well well, what do we have today? A whole lot of yum! Potstickers are a regular treat around our house my kids would eat them every single day if they could. This fruit salad is my all time favorite seasonal treat. Peanut Butter and Jelly bites […]
Veggy Booty, PB&J Bites, and More

The old stand-by – when you aren’t sure what to make for lunch, dinner, breakfast, or snack – PB&J bites always do the trick~! My kids would gladly live on Peanut Butter and Jelly if I let them. The rest: Pirate Booty – the Veggy variety (only one of my kids cares for this flavor […]