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Almost Time….

for back to school. Lunches will soon be in full force around these parts. We will still have all kinds of delicious summer harvests to stuff in the cold lunch for a couple of months after school starts. The main reason I love back to school is because I get to pack lunches again. I […]
Hamburger, Pasta Salad and More

Hamburgers are Simon’s favorite! And the question is…why wouldn’t they be? They are delicious! And loaded is the way I love them. Simon likes them with lettuce, ketchup, mayo, and cheese if he can get it. The rest of the lunch – a clementine, some grapes, homemade pasta salad – it has cherry tomatoes from […]
Pasta Salad, Strawberry Pile and More

I’m such a slacker when it comes to posting these lunches. I have a whole lot of catching up to do. Again this is taken from the vault. I decided if I include at least one from the vault from time to time I will eventually get through all of the pictures. The problem is […]
Macaroni and Cheese, Hot Dog and More

Some homemade Mac and Cheese thanks to Aunt Ellen (leftover from Mr. Gussy’s birthday party). Pasta salad with olives and Italian Dressing, Cupcake (aka Blueberry Muffin), Baby Orange, Hebrew National Hot Dog with Ketchup for dips! To wash it all down some Rice Dream Rice Milk. Yum! If you’d like to know more about the […]