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Smoked Meat Lunch

Our Papa smokes the best meat. He loves to do it, and he’s really really good at it! Both boys LOVE it. We were lucky enough to have some leftover brisket to enjoy in our lunches today. The big kid likes bread… and lemon soy yogurt, organic strawberries, grapes and apples, potato salad and jolly […]
The Kissing Hand

The Kissing Hand is how Gus started Kindergarten and I remember Simon doing the same. I sat in each of their classrooms, while their teacher read that book, on the first day of school and cried. I like to think of my lunches as my ‘kissing hand’. If only I could send a lunch this […]
Meatloaf, Buscuit and More

As usual we have two versions of lunch today. There are a handful of things that one kid loves and the other kid detests. It always seems awesome to me that kids that come from the same parents aren’t just exactly the same. The small differences are a hard-boiled hen egg for some stuffing and […]
Pumpkin PB&J, Homemade Donuts and More

Holy smokes this morning was exciting. The boys saw their lunches being put together and the pumpkin sandwich was, in particular, an excitement trigger! Look at that little grumpy morning pumpkin glare. The leftover bits of PB&J fit under the pumpkin. These plums were the best thing on earth (according to Simon and Gus) they […]
Bean Burrito, Orange Slices and More

Today we’ve got a bean burrito – you can even see the inside. Simon and Gus will also enjoy a diced apple, a handful of blueberries, soy blueberry yogurt, black olives and pretty orange slices. When I grocery shop I shop organic before any other option so it goes without saying that the fruits are […]