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Puzzle Piece Sandwich

I love me some rice and egg faces. Today we’ve got a tasty tray-full of puzzle sandwich (peanut butter and jelly style), pretzel squares, hard-boiled hen egg (bunny style), kiwi, rice face (I usually punch the faces out of Nori) – the hair isn’t edible, vitamins (to make you big and strong), diced organic apple, […]
Elephant Butt Sandwich and More

Today we’ve got ourselves a real doozie of a lunch to share. We’d also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to what our bread machine bread looks like – luckily just the same as an elephant butt, if a tail is provided. We got some new treasures for Christmas and we’ve been testing […]
Smiling Sandwich on Homemade Bread, Strawberries and More

Yummy! Simon and Gus enjoyed a smiley little lunch today. The smiles are punched out of nori and the sandwich is homemade white bread filled with peanut butter and homemade plum jelly (which is delightful). The strawberries are organic and sliced up bite-size for kiddos, the fig cookies are Newman’s, the chocolate drops are from […]