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Almost Time….

for back to school. Lunches will soon be in full force around these parts. We will still have all kinds of delicious summer harvests to stuff in the cold lunch for a couple of months after school starts. The main reason I love back to school is because I get to pack lunches again. I […]
Sunshine Lunch

Our hens contributed to this lunch – scrambled egg and ham sandwich (we don’t have a pig), yum! Fresh strawberries cut to bite size, a Newman O (vanilla variety), a bit of leftover meatloaf (to fill a gap), soy yogurt and a diced up granny smith complete the sunny cold lunch for today. If you’d […]
300 Lunches!

Today I celebrate the posting of my 300th lunch. I think I need to have a party of some sort. Dedication, I suppose I have the two cutest boys on earth to thank for that, and they need to eat. Nothing makes me feel better than filling their bellies up for mid-day meal with the […]