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Peanut Butter and Jelly Roll, Strawberries and More

What to do when you run out of bread? Luckily we had a big ol’ hoagie roll leftover so I slathered some organic peanut butter and organic blackberry jelly between the layers. The other slots are filled with fresh strawberries, blueberries and apples and a couple of heaping spoonfuls of strawberry soy yogurt. Don’t forget […]
Hot Dog Train

Looks like a hot dog train. We are also pretty into chips and hummus these days. The boys would eat an entire container of hummus if I let them, in one snack sesh. Tortilla chips are organic and hummus is not Mama-made, but I suppose it could be, I don’t know if it would be […]
Ham and Pickle Sandwich and More

Now doesn’t that sound delicious? Seriously – sign me up! I guess I should have called it a Thinwich since that is the bread that Gus prefers these days. He doesn’t even like “weguwar bwead.” I try to get the whole wheat version since I’m not exactly sure how on earth to make thin bread […]
Apple Slices, Garbanzo Beans and More

Let’s start ourselves off today with a vitamin cocktail – that sounds wrong when we are talking about a lunch belonging to a child, so I’ll just stick to my vitamin pile. In case you are ever wondering my kids get Vitamin D everyday, Vitamin C, a Multivitamin and a Probiotic and then tons of […]
Green Grapes, Diced Organic Apple, and More

Even though I don’t manage to type organic in front of every food I discuss, I try to buy only organic foods and/or locally grown/made foods. I think it is really important to know your farmer and eat organic foods whenever possible. So today we’re enjoying a lunch full of organic goodness. This locally made […]