Tag Archive
Flathead Cherries, Fruit Salad, Hen Egg and More

Nothing quite like Flathead Cherries – they are delicious – it is one of our favorite times of the year when we can get a giant bag full of them, stain our faces and be so happy about it. Simon eats his cherries like this…so imagine what he will look like when he comes home […]
First Day of School! Fish Go Round & More

Pretty exciting day at our house – as I’m sure it is at most of yours… 2nd Grade and Preschool 2! I couldn’t top the Angry Birds lunch that we shared on our Facebook Page – so we just went for something colorful! Or 2 somethings colorful… There is barely a difference between the two, […]
Hot Dog Train

Looks like a hot dog train. We are also pretty into chips and hummus these days. The boys would eat an entire container of hummus if I let them, in one snack sesh. Tortilla chips are organic and hummus is not Mama-made, but I suppose it could be, I don’t know if it would be […]
Baked Potato, Half Hot Dog and More

This is one of my favorite things to have leftover – a baked potato – you can eat it cold or hot and it is delicious either way. It is always gone! when the lunchbox comes back home. Sides include – diced organic apples, goldfish crackers, soy yogurt, a half of a Hebrew National Hot […]
Hot Diggity Dog, Fresh Plum and More

It’s hot dog Friday – well that’s not a real thing – but maybe it will be. Of course it won’t be every Friday, even though we eat Hebrew National Hot Dogs, they still aren’t healthy enough to make the lunch cut weekly. The hot dog has ketchup on half. Simon has finally given up […]
Pirate Booty, Hot Dog, and More

Mmm Mmm. Today we’ve got ourselves a Hebrew National Hot Dog surrounded by some cheddar goldfish and Sunmaid Raisins. The sides are: baby oranges (at least that’s what we call them at our house aka mandarin oranges, a slice of a zebra tomato straight from our backyard homestead, some mini vanilla wafers (still leftover from […]
Diced Hebrew National Hot Dog, Watermelon and More

Pesto Pasta again! And the rest is screaming summer – and it is almost here! A diced Hebrew National Hot Dog and some diced organic apples, watermelon chunks, organic strawberries and frosted strawberry cookies complete the pretty PlanetBox full of deliciousness! If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and […]
Hot Dog, Pasta and More

Mmmm! A Hebrew National Hot Dog on a bun with ketchup on one side (only) cut up…just the way my little man likes it. Sides look tasty today! Pasta noodles with marinara, a juicy little orange, some vanilla soy yogurt and a blueberry muffin (aka a cupcake around our house). And to wash it all […]
Macaroni and Cheese, Hot Dog and More

Some homemade Mac and Cheese thanks to Aunt Ellen (leftover from Mr. Gussy’s birthday party). Pasta salad with olives and Italian Dressing, Cupcake (aka Blueberry Muffin), Baby Orange, Hebrew National Hot Dog with Ketchup for dips! To wash it all down some Rice Dream Rice Milk. Yum! If you’d like to know more about the […]
Quorn Nuggets, Apples, and More

For lunch today the goods consist of: some Quorn Nuggets, with Tater Tots, and a bit of Hebrew National Hot Dog with a side of ketchup, some diced organic apples, organic strawberries (quite the score this time of year) and cherry soy yogurt. To drink today we’ll just have some refreshing water. Yummy! If you’d […]