Tag Archive
Last Day of School!

Mac and Cheese Banana and More We’ve got a medley for you today. I’ve decided the medley will be lacking description so the pictures will have to do the justice. Sweet little August on one of our winter morns during lunch prep. Looks like some dino sammy action in the house. Chocolate and Carrots – […]
Chinese Noodles, Orange Slices and More

Chinese noodles with mushrooms and steak pieces (it was super delicious hot the night before), edamame, a cup-full of organic applesauce, a mit-full of peanuts (Simon loves him some peanuts!), and some organic orange slices, oooh and the noodles are surrounded by a pool of rainbow goldfish. Yum! Gus’s version of today’s lunch is slightly […]
My Lunch Eaters

So I thought I ought to post a photo of what our morning looks like. This was a rather peaceful one, which is always a real treat. These guys are busy creating their Holiday Wish Lists already, while I pack lunches. The lunches for today are similar – sometimes they are – sometimes they aren’t. […]