Tag Archive
May the Force be with you

Dino peanut butter and jelly today, well for one kid, and some Star Wars action for the other…. We have a little lover of Star Wars in our family, well actually 4 lovers of Star Wars in our family, so why wouldn’t you buy the Star Wars Sandwich cutters? I can’t seem to bring myself […]
Dinosaur Sandwiches, Strawberries and More

Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm – that is double the deliciousness. It looks so scrumptious to me. So we’ve got a diced up organic apple, a handful of blueberries, a dollop of soy yogurt, some organic strawberries and our vitamins to cover our bases – oops I almost forgot about the dinos – they are whole wheat […]
Dino Sammy, Diced Apples and More

We’ve been eating a LOT of strawberries these days. It always gets us really excited when we can find them again at the Good Food Store. Soon we’ll have them right out our own front door. CAN’T WAIT! The dinos are making another appearance today…and it is always a welcome one because they are so […]