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Skeleton Lunch

This I probably should’ve waited to post until about a month or two from now. Raisins, olives, fig cookies, bread and peanut butter and jelly can make this happen! And you could make it happen for the first day of school! As for the rest, strawberries, grapes, soy yogurt, homemade applesauce, chocolate drops, crunchy sticks […]
Tilapia, Cherry Tomatoes and More

Tilapia, Cherry Tomatoes, Elephant butt sandwich, pretzel waffles, diced pink lady apples, soy yogurt, black olives and the second kiddo…. Much of the same but less cherry tomato, crunchy sticks are delicious! School is just around the corner. Yipes! If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then […]
Chocolate Drop Flowers and Hot Dog Bun Sandwiches

Look at that little mitt, it certainly isn’t lunch time yet. Sans the mitt – we have – strawberries, hot dog bun ham sandwich sans the lettuce (little doesn’t like greens but big does), chocolate drop flower, soy yogurt, sliced pear, fig cookies, crunchy sticks, goldfish, sunflower seeds (top) – it all looks simply marvelous. […]
Dinosaur Sandwiches, Grapes and Gus

Little Gus posed this morning for a photo with his lunch box. Good morning dinos. It has been awhile since we’ve seen you. Maybe since last school year? We’ve also got some homemade applesauce, fig cookies, little crunchy sticks from the bulk section at the GFS, of the garlic and poppyseed variety no less. Some […]