Tag Archive
300 Lunches!

Today I celebrate the posting of my 300th lunch. I think I need to have a party of some sort. Dedication, I suppose I have the two cutest boys on earth to thank for that, and they need to eat. Nothing makes me feel better than filling their bellies up for mid-day meal with the […]
Red Beans and Rice, Pocky and More

Who needs more than red beans and rice and Pocky sticks? Oh what the heck we’ll throw about a billion other things in this lunch to spice it up a bit. Cherry tomatoes for starters, and of course some carrots from our garden (NONE of those are going in the compost this year), some couscous […]
Couscous, Banana Bread and More

Couscous is wolfed down in our house – somehow we managed to have a bit leftover for lunches today. Fruit salad (strawberries, grapes (red and green), & nectarines), lemon soy yogurt, a bit of leftover sliced bratwurst, vitamins, goldfish crackers, & banana bread are the other munchables to fill the bellies today. Now that I’m […]
Big Bun Sandwich, Hard-Boiled Egg and More

If my memory serves me correctly it looks as if I’ve got a hot dog sandwich rollin’ here. Occasionally I run out of ideas for the main course and I seem to turn to hot dogs in a bind. We like the Hebrew National variety – mostly because Costco has them in giant packs…Costco Sized. […]
Back to School…Already?

Not quite (in Missoula, MT) but I wanted to get things started up again for you ‘planners’ out there. To munch on today we’ve got some couscous, a fruit salad (one of my favorite things about summer), a slice of banana bread (a bit bunched up), some dino vitamins, some corn off the cob, Annie’s […]
Couscous, Pot Roast and More

Aw yeah! This one I want to eat, right now! We’ve got a bit of pot roast from our Montana grown beef share, some carrots roasted with that delicious beef straight out of the Hickey Garden Plot in our backyard, some couscous (always a delight) and an egg that looks a bit better than yesterday’s […]