Tag Archive
Elephant Butt Sandwich and More

Today we’ve got ourselves a real doozie of a lunch to share. We’d also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to what our bread machine bread looks like – luckily just the same as an elephant butt, if a tail is provided. We got some new treasures for Christmas and we’ve been testing […]
Orange Slices, Lemon Wafer Cookies and More

Orange slices and strawberries, tortilla chips and hummus, lemon wafer cookies, organic applesauce and a black bean burrito with chreese, guacamole and black olives. Short and sweet for today. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Pasta Salad (with cheese), Chips and Hummus and More

I’ve been kind of into adding whatever greens and other protein I can when breaking down and making macaroni and cheese for my kids – simply because I’m riddled with guilt for giving them cheese – well and I guess it makes it a bit more healthy. Chip and hummus are a fave around here, […]
Hot Dog Train

Looks like a hot dog train. We are also pretty into chips and hummus these days. The boys would eat an entire container of hummus if I let them, in one snack sesh. Tortilla chips are organic and hummus is not Mama-made, but I suppose it could be, I don’t know if it would be […]