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Couscous, Banana Bread and More

Couscous is wolfed down in our house – somehow we managed to have a bit leftover for lunches today. Fruit salad (strawberries, grapes (red and green), & nectarines), lemon soy yogurt, a bit of leftover sliced bratwurst, vitamins, goldfish crackers, & banana bread are the other munchables to fill the bellies today. Now that I’m […]
Back to School…Already?

Not quite (in Missoula, MT) but I wanted to get things started up again for you ‘planners’ out there. To munch on today we’ve got some couscous, a fruit salad (one of my favorite things about summer), a slice of banana bread (a bit bunched up), some dino vitamins, some corn off the cob, Annie’s […]
Tofurkey, Tomato and Cheese Sandwich, Peas and More

Pretty much the best time of year to make a lunch, really! Our garden is FULL of deliciousness. This lunch has a whole lot of homemade/homegrown elements. Homemade white bread filled with Tofurkey, Tillamook Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, and locally grown tomatoes. A hard-boiled hen egg straight out of our backyard, weird curly carrots and […]