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My New Favorite!

By Momma

This is our second LOVE lunch of the week. I neglected to mention that school was canceled on Monday because the building’s heater broke. So, only two love lunches so far. I’ll try and keep them coming. Today the boys will eat peanut butter and homemade plum jelly with a little extra love on Wheat […]

Dinos, Noodles and Egg

By Momma
Dinos, Noodles and Egg

There is a bit more to it than those three things…but…who doesn’t like Dinos, Noodles and Egg? Got your attention didn’t I? I don’t want to scare you but there is a monster after you lunch. Noodles with pork, organic apple, hard-boiled hen egg, fig newman, soy blueberry yogurt, and peanut butter and jelly dino […]

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