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Dino Necklaces and Rice Faces

I was pretty in love with this little lunch upon completion. PB& J Dinosaurs with necklaces? Rice with a face and hat? What next? Homemade chocolate chip cookies are never a bad thing either. Scrunch! Simon scored a pb&j puzzle piece sandwich instead of the dinosaurs in Gussy’s lunch. Plus: leftover Tilapia, yellow and red […]
Oh Santa

Meatloaf, rice, edamame, kiwi, soy yogurt, diced apples and a delightful milk chocolate Santa and we’re done! Peaches, peanut butter and jelly and Santa! Happy Holiday Lunching! If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Puzzle Piece Sandwich

I love me some rice and egg faces. Today we’ve got a tasty tray-full of puzzle sandwich (peanut butter and jelly style), pretzel squares, hard-boiled hen egg (bunny style), kiwi, rice face (I usually punch the faces out of Nori) – the hair isn’t edible, vitamins (to make you big and strong), diced organic apple, […]
Halloween Lunch

I had every intention of getting this posted yesterday. Next year I’ll be better about posting lunches on time, maybe. We’ve been making homemade bread for a few weeks now and we are really loving it, the entire process is pretty magical. It is always so mystifying to me that bread comes from the most […]
Skeleton Lunch

This I probably should’ve waited to post until about a month or two from now. Raisins, olives, fig cookies, bread and peanut butter and jelly can make this happen! And you could make it happen for the first day of school! As for the rest, strawberries, grapes, soy yogurt, homemade applesauce, chocolate drops, crunchy sticks […]
Pesto Pasta, Sammy sans crust & more

Kiwi, soy strawberry yogurt, pesto pasta, pb&j sans crust, vitamins, diced apples and yum. And the other doesn’t mind the crust. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Sushi Rolls, Waffle Fries and More

This elephant butt sandwich is missing a tail…whoops. The bread machine makes the most perfect elephant butt bread…and if you are a 7 or 8 year old boy you find things like this very hilarious. The rest: Sushi (veggie) roll with tofu, carrot, and avocado, diced green organic apple, soy yogurt, soy sauce for dipping, […]
Elephant Butt Sandwich and More

Today we’ve got ourselves a real doozie of a lunch to share. We’d also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to what our bread machine bread looks like – luckily just the same as an elephant butt, if a tail is provided. We got some new treasures for Christmas and we’ve been testing […]
Dinos, Noodles and Egg

There is a bit more to it than those three things…but…who doesn’t like Dinos, Noodles and Egg? Got your attention didn’t I? I don’t want to scare you but there is a monster after you lunch. Noodles with pork, organic apple, hard-boiled hen egg, fig newman, soy blueberry yogurt, and peanut butter and jelly dino […]
Halloween Monster Face Sandwiches

Watch out this monster might get you. Or maybe this one. I should have saved this post for the Day of the Dead. The rest of these monster mash lunches are filled with all kinds of goodness. Look at that little monster in the background below. Now for the goods => Tiny apple from our […]