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My New Favorite!

This is our second LOVE lunch of the week. I neglected to mention that school was canceled on Monday because the building’s heater broke. So, only two love lunches so far. I’ll try and keep them coming. Today the boys will eat peanut butter and homemade plum jelly with a little extra love on Wheat […]
My Word

I’m terrible at updates. But, I’m keeping my word. If you follow on Instagram you’re seeing a lot more than most folks. I love that easy app. I sometimes remember to post to our Facebook page as well, but that isn’t a guarantee. The lack of posting to this sweet blog isn’t because I’ve stopped […]
Oh Santa

Meatloaf, rice, edamame, kiwi, soy yogurt, diced apples and a delightful milk chocolate Santa and we’re done! Peaches, peanut butter and jelly and Santa! Happy Holiday Lunching! If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Valentine Cold School Lunches Take 3!

Now for the grand finale! I like to start off with a lunch train from time to time….a Valentine Lunch Train. My kiddos woke up this morning to some special little Valentines from us. Legos are at the tippy top of the list for both of them right now so while they ate their bacon, […]
Valentine Cold School Lunches

Special Valentine Treat – 3 lunches today – over the course of the day. Here is the first Lovely Lunch. Who doesn’t love meatballs? Seriously? A peanut butter and jelly (homemade plum jelly) on wheat bread – with a heart of course. The tiny clementine pre-peeled, onion and poppy seed snack sticks, mandarin oranges, […]
Smiling Sandwich on Homemade Bread, Strawberries and More

Yummy! Simon and Gus enjoyed a smiley little lunch today. The smiles are punched out of nori and the sandwich is homemade white bread filled with peanut butter and homemade plum jelly (which is delightful). The strawberries are organic and sliced up bite-size for kiddos, the fig cookies are Newman’s, the chocolate drops are from […]
Halloween Lunch

I wanted today’s lunch to be extra spectacular but the boys really wanted a special breakfast so we made pumpkin shaped pancakes – which ended up sucking up some of my normal lunch making time (and creativity). So here we have it. The teeth idea was found by my Mother-in-Law and I thought they were […]
Pigs in a Blanket, Noodles & More

Star Wars sandwiches filled with peanut butter and jelly are something to smile about every time! Pigs in a blanket sure aren’t anything to frown about, I sure do love me a pig in a blanket (unhealthy as they might be). Fruit salad filled with strawberries, grapes (2 colors), nectarines, and blueberries is a colorful […]
Apple Slices, Garbanzo Beans and More

Let’s start ourselves off today with a vitamin cocktail – that sounds wrong when we are talking about a lunch belonging to a child, so I’ll just stick to my vitamin pile. In case you are ever wondering my kids get Vitamin D everyday, Vitamin C, a Multivitamin and a Probiotic and then tons of […]
PB&J on Homemade Bread, Quorn Roast and More

Homemade bread is the best – I have a bread machine though so don’t go applauding me at this point. It still makes your house smell delicious and makes you lunch prep feel a little bit better than using store-bought loaves. With that bread we just have a peanut butter and jelly – a favorite […]