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Chocolate Drop Flowers and Hot Dog Bun Sandwiches

Look at that little mitt, it certainly isn’t lunch time yet. Sans the mitt – we have – strawberries, hot dog bun ham sandwich sans the lettuce (little doesn’t like greens but big does), chocolate drop flower, soy yogurt, sliced pear, fig cookies, crunchy sticks, goldfish, sunflower seeds (top) – it all looks simply marvelous. […]
Pretty Pears, Fig Cookies and Mango Covered Almonds

I love the way this lunch looks, so pretty. I will also always love the elephant butt bread that comes out of my bread machine. No tail today – just filled with some turkey and lettuce and a bit of mayo. Kiwi, Fig Newmans, Mango covered Almonds, a bit of Risotto, Homemade Applesauce and a […]
Kiwi, Berries, Egg Critter and More

Bagel Sandwich with Ham, Tofutti Cream Cheese, and Lettuce Organic Kiwi surrounded by fresh blueberries Hard-Boiled Backyard Hen Egg (squished in my egg squisher – to look like a bunny) Strawberry Soy Yogurt Vitamin Pile Diced Organic Apple Mmmm. Mmmmm. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, […]
Pesto Pasta, Sandwich & Sunshine

Pesto Pasta is a seasonal favorite but we froze quite a bit of pesto last summer to use throughout the year and we’re still rockin’ it. Ham sandwich with tomatoes, lettuce, and mayo on Wheat Montana Bread, Edamame, soy yogurt, homemade pesto pasta (well I didn’t make the pasta, just the pesto), and diced organic […]
Turkey Sandwich on Wheat, Green Apples & More

Some like the crust, others don’t care for it so much in our household. I suppose I should rephrase that – one likes no crust the rest are fine with it. The morsels: Applegate Roasted Turkey on Wheat Montana Bread with a bit of lettuce and mayo, diced apples, clementine, kiwi, homemade applesauce, and vitamins. […]
Hamburger, Waffle Fries and More

Hamburgers are scrumptious. Simon loves them and enjoyed one today with ketchup and a bit of lettuce. Sides: Waffle Fries (one of my personal faves), a clementine, homemade applesauce, diced organic apples and a tiny star strawberry cookie and mango yogurt covered almonds. Fill that sweet belly. If you’d like to know more about the […]
Pan Fried Potatoes, Kiwi and More

If there is one food that Papa Shane (Ukulele Guy) has mastered it is Pan-Fried Potatoes. He doesn’t mess around when it comes to these delights. He’s very particular about his potatoes so you can rest assured you’ll be getting the best of the best if he is preparing them for you. All packed up […]
300 Lunches!

Today I celebrate the posting of my 300th lunch. I think I need to have a party of some sort. Dedication, I suppose I have the two cutest boys on earth to thank for that, and they need to eat. Nothing makes me feel better than filling their bellies up for mid-day meal with the […]
Red Beans and Rice, Pocky and More

Who needs more than red beans and rice and Pocky sticks? Oh what the heck we’ll throw about a billion other things in this lunch to spice it up a bit. Cherry tomatoes for starters, and of course some carrots from our garden (NONE of those are going in the compost this year), some couscous […]
Facebook Followers Love Fairy Lunch

If you don’t already you ought to follow us on our Facebook Page we post extra photos there from time to time and we’d hate for you to miss them. Our theme for lunch today was fairy inspired. We had a Magical Fairy Party at our Toy Store on Friday and the bits of cheese […]