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Valentine Cold School Lunches Take 3!

Now for the grand finale! I like to start off with a lunch train from time to time….a Valentine Lunch Train. My kiddos woke up this morning to some special little Valentines from us. Legos are at the tippy top of the list for both of them right now so while they ate their bacon, […]
Valentine Cold School Lunches

Special Valentine Treat – 3 lunches today – over the course of the day. Here is the first Lovely Lunch. Who doesn’t love meatballs? Seriously? A peanut butter and jelly (homemade plum jelly) on wheat bread – with a heart of course. The tiny clementine pre-peeled, onion and poppy seed snack sticks, mandarin oranges, […]
Smiling Sandwich on Homemade Bread, Strawberries and More

Yummy! Simon and Gus enjoyed a smiley little lunch today. The smiles are punched out of nori and the sandwich is homemade white bread filled with peanut butter and homemade plum jelly (which is delightful). The strawberries are organic and sliced up bite-size for kiddos, the fig cookies are Newman’s, the chocolate drops are from […]