Tag Archive
The Magic

The magic is really all for these two humans. Aren’t they handsome? I always love it when I wake up in the morning and plans come together, in the lunchbox. This morning was one of those mornings. The photo above was just a sampling of what my little people are made up of. The photos […]
4th Grade and 1st Grade

4th grade sounds so old! I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Where did the time go? When did Simon get so big? He turns 9 in 5 days. I can’t carry him anymore, at least not without grunting. I’m not thrilled with my ‘first day lunch’ but I’ve granted myself a do-over. I mean, […]
Smoked Meat Lunch

Our Papa smokes the best meat. He loves to do it, and he’s really really good at it! Both boys LOVE it. We were lucky enough to have some leftover brisket to enjoy in our lunches today. The big kid likes bread… and lemon soy yogurt, organic strawberries, grapes and apples, potato salad and jolly […]
Skeleton Lunch

This I probably should’ve waited to post until about a month or two from now. Raisins, olives, fig cookies, bread and peanut butter and jelly can make this happen! And you could make it happen for the first day of school! As for the rest, strawberries, grapes, soy yogurt, homemade applesauce, chocolate drops, crunchy sticks […]
Bagel Sandwich, Lemon covered Almonds, & More

Noodles with veg, bagelwich with turkey and tomatoes, lemon covered almonds, flower cookie, homemade applesauce, orange slices and a hard-boiled hen egg make the belly full. Ooh grapes and a tiny apple and some blueberries – Mmmmm. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you […]
Valentine Cold School Lunches Take 2!

This is a guest parent – and she just happens to be my freakin’ adorable sister. Don’t we look alike? Here is her lunch today followed by her pile of cute little kiddos this morning. I’m not sure I can give you the details of this lunch. Looks like – cottage cheese, goldfish crackers, a […]
Facebook Followers Love Fairy Lunch

If you don’t already you ought to follow us on our Facebook Page we post extra photos there from time to time and we’d hate for you to miss them. Our theme for lunch today was fairy inspired. We had a Magical Fairy Party at our Toy Store on Friday and the bits of cheese […]
Preschool Visit = Lunch Box Sweetness

I know many of you have seen this photo already because I posted it a while back. This is the lunch that went along with the post. I didn’t want to leave it out of the mix. These two peas in a pod are loving their lunches together. I get it, they are both pretty […]
Hot Dog Bun Sandwich

This one makes me hungry. I can really get down on a sandwich. Sometimes we have those pesky leftover hotdog buns after a bbq so the boys end up with hotdog bun sandwiches for a few days. There are many worse things than ham, lettuce and tomato on a hotdog bun. No sneaking lettuce into […]
Dinosaur Sandwiches, Grapes and Gus

Little Gus posed this morning for a photo with his lunch box. Good morning dinos. It has been awhile since we’ve seen you. Maybe since last school year? We’ve also got some homemade applesauce, fig cookies, little crunchy sticks from the bulk section at the GFS, of the garlic and poppyseed variety no less. Some […]