Tag Archive
4th Grade and 1st Grade

4th grade sounds so old! I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Where did the time go? When did Simon get so big? He turns 9 in 5 days. I can’t carry him anymore, at least not without grunting. I’m not thrilled with my ‘first day lunch’ but I’ve granted myself a do-over. I mean, […]
Rainbow Lunch Day

Today was Gus’s rainbow day celebration. Colors were discussed the first two weeks of Kindergarten and this was the day he got to wear rainbow colors – of course I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to make him a rainbow lunch. I am pretty in love with the memory of what he chose to wear […]
Bagel Sandwich, Lemon covered Almonds, & More

Noodles with veg, bagelwich with turkey and tomatoes, lemon covered almonds, flower cookie, homemade applesauce, orange slices and a hard-boiled hen egg make the belly full. Ooh grapes and a tiny apple and some blueberries – Mmmmm. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you […]
Kiwi, Burrito and Chocolate Drops

Chocolate drops, clementine, hard-boiled hen egg, diced apples, soy yogurt, kiwi, Goldfish crackers, blueberries, and only 6 days and counting until my babies are back in school. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, then you should take a look at PlanetBox Lunchboxes.
Bunny Seed Face

Look at that delightful lunch. That hard-boiled backyard hen egg is molded in my fancy hard-boiled egg mold, details are filled in with tiny sesame seeds, chips, guacamole, kiwi, chocolate drops, bagel sandwich, homemade applesauce, clementine bits and blueberries complete the cold lunch for today. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured […]
Blueberries and Quorn Nuggets

I want to eat this rainbow right now. Blueberries, clementine, kiwi, strawberries, Quorn Nuggets, vitamins, lemon soy yogurt and apples – it is good for your healthy growing body. The big kid likes the wild rice. Mmmm. Tasty – Back to School is going to be delicious! If you’d like to know more about the […]
Kiwi, Berries, Egg Critter and More

Bagel Sandwich with Ham, Tofutti Cream Cheese, and Lettuce Organic Kiwi surrounded by fresh blueberries Hard-Boiled Backyard Hen Egg (squished in my egg squisher – to look like a bunny) Strawberry Soy Yogurt Vitamin Pile Diced Organic Apple Mmmm. Mmmmm. If you’d like to know more about the lunchboxes featured in these pictures and posts, […]
Elephant Butt Sandwich and More

Today we’ve got ourselves a real doozie of a lunch to share. We’d also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to what our bread machine bread looks like – luckily just the same as an elephant butt, if a tail is provided. We got some new treasures for Christmas and we’ve been testing […]
Ham & Pickle Rolls and more

Aw yeah nothin’ like some rolled ham in your lunch – with a little dill pickle and Tofutti cream cheese in the middle, yum! And of course one kid likes pickles and the other doesn’t care for them so much, so we have a variation on the school lunch for today. Kiwi, buttery pretzel squares, […]
Sunshine Lunch – Ham/Turkey Sandwich with Tomatoes and More

It is probably my favorite when the sunshine is the lighting for the lunch photos in the morning. That is the one bummer about summer vacation. I don’t get to take great photos at 7AM of the lunches I prepare with all natural light streaming in our windows. So as spring approaches the light in […]